Paddle Boarding Makes for a Great Date

Paddle Boarding Makes for a Great Date

I’m approaching 10 years of marriage to my wonderful wife. As parents to four young kids, we’ve found that it can be a challenge to make time for one another due to the daily demands of our lives. Finding time to date and spend that one on one time with your spouse is critical in helping the relationship to continue to flourish. Sometimes the typical going out to dinner or a movie can get stale and it becomes time to find a new dating adventure. Paddle Boarding can provide an amazing dating experience to keep your dating life fresh.

Dating your Spouse Matters

paddle board date idea

Managing the house together is a formidable endeavor, but can erode the intimacy in the marriage. Strengthening your relationship should be priority number one, while everything else flows underneath that, but often times it can be flipped upside down if you’re not careful. Dating continues to make sure that you are putting each other first and committed to making the marriage last.

Some ways that dating is important for a fulfilling marriage:

  • Shows you value your time together
  • Bolsters the Romance flame
  • Tells your spouse they’re special
  • Grow together, instead of apart
  • Keeps things Fun
  • Helps you stay connected
  • Can break up the routine
  • Separates the kids from the marriage

Things that make a great date

So, what actually makes a great date? Does it take something extravagant and costly? I don’t think so. It’s more about the quality time that you are able to spend with your significant other, but what you’re doing really does play a part. Nobody wants to be bored on a date. Having something that encourages couples to work together, laugh together, and enhance intimacy is a recipe for a good date.

paddle board date idea

Here are some things couples look for in a date:

  • Smiling and Laughing
  • Having someone listen
  • Good conversation
  • Sharing things in common
  • Feels Good
  • Pride in being with each other
  • Enhances Physical Attraction
  • Learning about one another
  • Working together on something

Making Paddle Boarding a Special Date

Alright so we got the gushy stuff out of the way, now it’s time to ride. Let’s talk a little SUP romance! Paddle boarding can be that amazing date you are looking for to start a new romantic adventure or even a great first date.

paddle board date idea

Here are some awesome things to try on your SUP Date:

Meal on the Water– I said that dinner at a restaurant was getting boring, but how about a meal on the water with your favorite person. Having a picnic can be a great way to enjoy your spouse on the water. Set your anchor, sit, socialize, and eat together. What better way to connect than gazing in each other’s eyes with the sounds of rippling water. Here is my post about SUP anchor’s that’ll help you to learn more about using an anchor for your paddle board.

Play a Game– We talked about how important laughter is for making a great date. There are some fun games that you can play on SUP, that would score some points in the laughter department. SUP jousting would be a great way to get some smiles while wrestling around with your spouse. Adding some other couples could make for a fun time doing SUP polo or other games. Here are some of my SUP game ideas for you to check out.

Relax with Some Music– Maybe your idea of spending time together is just relaxing and breaking away from the daily stressors. Splash Tunes Pro creates a great waterproof speaker system for your SUP that syncs with your mobile phone. Chill out on the water with your favorite tunes or bellow out some lyrics together.

A Little Competition– Are you a competitive couple? Try racing each other on your paddle boards. You could set up a course or race to a certain point and back. There are many ways to create the opportunity to race. Just be sure to play nice and no hard feelings afterwards.

Night Lights-Nothing screams romance like being out under the stars. You can get some incredible LED lights for paddle boards that illuminate the water around you. Different color options can make it look like the lights of the Vegas strip on the water. Here is my post on some of the best things to get for your SUP that includes the LED kits. Make sure that you are taking safety precautions when riding at night.

Start a SUP activity together– There are some great activities that you can do on SUP, that could turn into a recreational pursuit that you can share with your spouse. SUP Yoga could be a great opportunity to connect through a fitness activity or trying something like SUP Fishing.

Observe your surroundings– I’ve always enjoyed just people watching or observing the action around us with my wife. Being out in nature can create some wonderful sights to savor together. Make it a point to look for the various wildlife that may be around you. Try to identify various birds together, animals on the shore line, or sea life. Riding your SUP at dusk can be a great opportunity for a romantic sunset together.

You’re in Bathing Suits– Ok, so I wasn’t going to get physical, but I just couldn’t help it. Spending time with your significant other helps you build that physical attraction with one another. I may be speaking for the guys, but seeing your woman in a bathing suit can get the sparks flying. I’m sure she’ll love seeing you flex your stuff for her, ok probably not, but just being playful with her might ignite something.

Their you have it, next time you are looking for a great date, get your crush out with you on the water. If nothing else it will create a unique experience that will surely be enjoyable. Who knows maybe SUP will be able to enhance your marriage or improve your dating life.

Please comment below on anything that you’ve enjoyed from this post or your experiences with taking a date paddle boarding.

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