How to Transport a SUP

How to Transport a SUP

One of my biggest concerns getting started with paddle boarding was how I was going to get my board from my house to the water. A paddle board can easily be 10 feet or more in length, which doesn’t make it easy to throw in the back seat of a Camry. If you’ve decided to invest in an epoxy or hard surface paddle board, let’s talk about getting it from your home and into the water.

What’s the best way to transport your SUP? The most secure way to transport your SUP is using roof racks for the top of your vehicle. Roof racks will securely hold your paddle board in place without doing any damage. It’s important to keep the flat side down, while the fins are up in the air. If the board were to shift back, the fins will catch on the strap to ensure the board doesn’t come off the roof.

Leaving the House

gear for sup beginners

Time to get that SUP out of storage and out for a ride. If you are looking for some great ways to store your paddle board, even in tight spaces, check out my post on storing a paddle board.

If you are fortunate enough to have a large vehicle, like a truck, you can get away with transporting your SUP in the bed off the truck with some tie downs.

I would recommend a board bag to help protect the board from scratches and potential damage. Even when placing your paddle board on the roof of the car, a board bag can be beneficial when travelling long distances. You never know when a rock or something may kick up and chip it.

A board bag can also help protect from sun damage.  If you are travelling long distances, over time the sun can cause the board color to fade.

Using a Roof Rack

Lift your board above your head to hoist it up on the car racks. When placing your board on the roof of your vehicle, your going to want something in between the board and the vehicle to create a buffer, otherwise it can potentially scratch both your board and vehicle.

If you’re going to stack two paddle boards on top of each other without using board bags, place an old blanket in between them.

These pads (Islanders Surf, Paddle Board, Canoe or Kayak Roof Rack Pads) are great for providing that cushion in between the board and the vehicle. You then can use these tie-down straps (Dorsal Surfboard Kayak SUP Surf Roof Rack Tie Down Straps) to secure the paddle boards to the roof of your car.

If your looking for a higher quality option check out the Yakima SUP Dawg Paddle Board Carrier. This carrier comes with a built in roller system that makes it a breeze getting your boards on and off the vehicle.

No additional padding is needed for this rack and that strap system is integrated into the carrier making it simple to utilize.

You’ve Arrived

So, you were able to safely travel with your paddle board in tact on your vehicle, now you’re ready to hit the water. When going to a body of water, it’s pretty rare to be able to unload your board right at the shoreline.

You’re going to have to walk a fair distance to get your SUP into the water. A SUP can be a challenge to lug around due to the bulk.

There are a few options to conveniently help you get your paddle board from the vehicle to the water.

  1. Utilizing a Shoulder Strap– This option will allow you to carry your paddle board over your shoulder similar to a book bag. It’s still going to take a bit of muscling with this option,but more affordable.
  2.   SUP Paddleboard Carrier/Storage Sling
  3. SUP Dolly– This option allows you to put one end of your paddle board on a set of wheels so you can pull your board along. It costs slightly more, but can be easier to manage if your going on relatively smooth surfaces to get to the beach. Once on the beach it’s a little more difficult to manage, but the wheels will still move well.                                                                                                                   Apex Stand-Up Paddleboard Dolly
  4. SUP Bike Trailer– This option allows you to tow your paddle board on a trailer with your bike. This can be great for going up and down boardwalks or if you live close enough to the water that you can bike, you won’tneed to worry about vehicle transport.                                                              The Wheele SUP Standup Paddleboard and Surfboard Bike Trailer Bicycle Attachment Board Carrier

Alternatives to Transport

If transporting still seems overwhelming try an inflatable paddle board. It doesn’t provide everything that an epoxy board can, but transport is a breeze.

All you do is toss the bag in the trunk and your good to go. I write a post here about how to care for an inflatable paddle board.

gear for sup beginners

To summarize, by getting the proper equipment and following some simple steps, transporting a SUP isn’t that bad.

You’ll be able to feel confident going on that road trip with your SUP safely on top of your vehicle and ready for a seamless transition out to enjoying the water.

Please comment below on anything that you’ve enjoyed from this post or your experiences with transporting a SUP.

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